Monofilament fishing line takes up to 600 years to decompose. Fishing line that is improperly disposed of in the environment can have many negative impacts on a variety of marine wildlife. Here are just a few of the startling statistics which emphasize the growing need for a solution to the problem of improperly disposed of monofilament fishing line...
- According to the Monofilament Recovery and Recycling Program, from 2000-2006, 298 sea turtles were entangled in fishing line in Florida.
- Hundreds of fish, birds and even land animals are harmed due to entanglement every year.
- Boat propellers can even get entangled in discarded monofilament line, causing costly repairs for boat owners.
- When wildlife become entangled in or ingest monofilament, it can results in animals losing their filppers, tails, and wings, which can lead to drowning, starvation, and death.
- From 2000-2006, 26 manatees were rescued in Florida due to entanglements.
- 2006, scientists at Mote Marine Laboratory reported an unsustainable death rate in the world’s longest studied wild dolphin population, due to entanglement in monofilament fishing line and other fishing gear.